Kalemişi Dergisi
Cilt 3, Sayı 6  Güz 2015  (ISSN: 2148-046X, E-ISSN: )
Rasim SOYLU, Mehmet Emin KAHRAMAN

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Semiotics was devoloped by Sassure and Pierce who were linguist and logician in the late nineteenth century in Europe. It is a discipline that studies every kind of communication which includes colloquial and body language.
Semiotics is the philosophical theory that studies the the meaning of indicators such as signs and symbols. This includes the study of signs and sign processes, indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication. Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically.
It is seen that, any data hasn’t been transmitted from Turkish and Islamic sourches to Semiology which entered into Turkish art, literature and linguistics in the end of 20th century and hasn’t passed over translation level.
It is observed that, similar matters were studied and analyzed in the linguistics and eloquence books which is teached in Ottoman schools. However unfortunately this books and data have not been transfered to Turkish science, art and education literature. In this respect, the main problem of this research is examination of subtleties of rhetoric, logic and linguistic in the Ottoman madrasa sources in context of the semiology.
Works relevant with linguistic that he wrote 100 years ago of Nursi who summarized and brought in today Turk and Islamic linguistic sources like Belagat, Fen-i Beyan, Fenn-i Maani and Fenn-i Bedi which were taught in Ottoman madrasahs and Turkish translation of Delail-ül İcaz written by Abdülkahir-i Cürcani over 1000 years ago called “Sözdizim ve Anlambilimi” analyzed in this study.
Keywords: Semiotics, Sign, Linguistics, Eloquence